I have found so many great ideas for my classroom on pinterest! You can see some of the ideas related to my classroom theme in my previous blog post.
I loved this idea of displaying student work that I found! It is from http://ana-white.com/2010/11/ruler-clip-art-rails.html.
I made my own but changed it a bit! I painted the yardstick as well as the clothespins just to make it more colorful! It is hanging in the hallway outside of my classroom! I'll take a photo to upload next time I'm there!
Another idea I was quite fond of is this "I'm Done" jar from http://www.teachingblogaddict.com/2011/04/im-done-jar.html! you can fill it with popsicle sticks listing a variety of activities for those early finishers!
I made my own version of this too with school colors, but guess what...it's at school too so no picture yet!
And the next thing I want to make is this project from http://theinspiredapple.blogspot.com/2011/02/teacher-on-target.html to hold smarties (of course) as rewards for my kiddos! I just need to find someone with an old pair of baby/toddler jeans!
I absolutely love pinterest! If anyone needs an invite leave me your email address in a comment and I'll invite you! You'll be hooked!