Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Tip for Today

Happy Sunday!  I hope everyone had a great week last week and has had a wonderful weekend as well!  I have a tip for you today.  You probably already know all about it, but I found it by accident working on my latest product!

When I create new products for TPT or TN, I use power point to make a collage of the pages included in the file.  In the past I've always saved each slide from my document's original power point file as a picture to insert into the collage.  Well I have found a better least for me!

Create your document (I use power point) and save it as a PDF before you begin to create your preview picture!

First, open a blank power point presentation and insert any backgrounds or frames you'd like to use as well as the text you want to include, such as the title and your name.

Next, choose 'insert - picture from file', and choose your product's pdf file.  You should see a pop-up screen that says 'Select Page' and is showing the first page of your product.

Now you're ready to find the page you want to insert!  Scroll through until you find the picture you want to include and just click to insert it.  Easy-Peasy!  Resize it and put it in place!

Finally, insert the rest of your pages/pictures and arrange them to your liking!

To me, this is so much easier and less time consuming than saving each slide as a picture then going back to find them later.  Plus, it saves space on your computer if you're like me and forget to delete all of those slide pictures when you're finished with them!

Anyway...I hope this quick little tip is helpful to somebody out there!

My rounding unit, "Ready and Rounding" is now up and active on TPT and on TN if you're interested, and don't forget to download your rounding freebie from my last blog post!

Everybody have a great week ahead!  We're out on Friday, so I'm thinking it'll be a great week!!


  1. Thank you...This definitely helped me!

    Tales From Rm 17!

  2. Thanks, this is very helpful.

  3. You made some good points there. I did a search on the topic and found most people will agree with your blog.


  4. Very nice, thanks for the information.

    Steph @ sewa mobil jakarta

  5. Oh, I LOVE this tip. How did I not figure this out before?! Thanks so much! :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. إليكم شركة كنوز اشرق افضل شركة نقل عفش بخميس مشيط وذلك لأنها تحتوي علي افضل عمالقة الفك والتركيب والتغليف بجانب الخبرة الفائقة في هذا المجال حيث يرجع تاريخ الشركة الي 20 عاما من التميز والتقدم في هذا المجال مما جعلها من أفضل شركات نقل العفش في بخميس مشيط بجانب اعتمادها علي افضل المعدات والخامات المستخدمه لإتمام عملية النقل وخصوصا مرحلة التغليف والنقل

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